We repeat our visit to Rossorubino (Turin) because we love it ... and because the team always surprise us with awesome news!
20 de junio de 2019

Wineshop: Rossorubino

Location: Via Madama Cristina 21, Turin

Opinions: A MUST for those who are tourists and for those who live in this wonderful city

Mark: 10 with merit!

Projects in progress: a lot!


Rossorubino, with its creative and incomparable partners and brothers, Edoardo and Andrea, are the soul of this specialized wine shop, located in a central area, with an excellent location and a continuous influx of people.

Our Export team met them in the well-organized, spacious and full of personality shop. We noticed that they are always very frank and direct and communicate sincerely to anyone who crosses the door of Rossorubino that, before being customers, they are people that the team (which consist of Edoardo, Andrea, Blue and Federica) would like to discover and with whom to establish a relationship. In fact, their modus operandi is that costumers present themselves, to fully understand the demands, and to provide them with what they are looking for and be sure of what they appreciate, what excites them and what inspires them well-being and joy.

Costumers are like the Delosperma cooperi flower, better known as the “pink carpet”, very colorful and with multiple shades, from yellow to red, from pink to violet and which opens its petals only when the sun shines. When people enter the shop, shy and with confused ideas about what they are looking for, they are "opened" by the kindness and professionalism of these professionals. They are the "sun" that opens infinite possibilities inside what they are intending to buy (yes, because the portfolio of Rossorubino is very wide). The dynamic focuses on dialogue and questions to address the desires of people and thus open an empathic channel and accordingly satisfy their dreams.

Rossorubino is a place conceived to explore the universe of wine in its different forms expression and manifestation from tasting to conviviality, from pairings to the cultural encounter.

We noticed with pleasure that Rossorubino, thanks to hard work, good communication in social networks and new technological implementations increased its product references. Its fame is undoubtedly due to the continuous exclusive and innovative activities which are organized as experimental pairings, professional tastings, free tastings to promote new products, gastronomic activities with cheeses and chocolates, jazz concerts and possibilities to organize personalized events. During several years of work, the perseverance rewarded them and the enoteca has been named in prominent magazines and gastronomic books such as GUIDA DEI CENTO 50 ristoranti + 50 piole, GUIDA L'ESPRESSO, IL SAPORAIO, TORINO PER IL GOLOSO as well as articles  about them in the newspapers LA STAMPA and LA REPUBBLICA.

Always faithful to its 3S philosophy (selection, suggestions and satisfaction) our Lacrima Baccus range works impeccably. It is always a real pleasure to hear that "we are the star cavas of their unforgettable occasions" and we cannot avoid getting red for emotion.

The pleasant and sudden news of this year has been the opening of a new wine shop at Turin airport. Being Turin a city with many students and young people (especially foreign students in Erasmus period) has an optimal connection with Spain and many people fly regularly.

The hope of the team touches the stars of the sky, but Edoardo and Andrea have their feet firmly anchored to the ground. They know that a season of tests and study of strategies awaits them (especially as regards the flow of people, the analysis of the age segment of the clients and the study of peak hours of affluence).

The shop is a paradise, where the faint colors infuse a sense of harmony and imperturbability, a classic and elegant style with a main window with a wall that represents the  soil of the vineyard and metal supports that represent the trunk of the vine that hold the bottles (the final product).

Our Lacrima Baccus’ products are located in the center of the store where there is enough lighting and visibility something that invites costumers to approach, a strategic point because the client inevitably drops a glance on the products due to the play of lights that facilitates the perceptibility.

We sincerely hope that all the dreams of this great team will be fulfilled, because as Neil Gaiman says: "Let people dream! Dreams shape the world. Dreams recreate the world."


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8th of June, an important date in our agenda: Kyiv Wine Festival 2019
18 de junio de 2019

We landed intrepid at the Kiev airport to attend the Kyiv Wine Festival organized by our distributor Goodwine, a transparent, loyal company with a particular attention to the customer, his demands and, above all, a company formed by a young, alternative, dynamic and prepared people, who focuses all its energy and attention on the experiences of consumers. For this reason, there are innumerable events in different cities that are organized during the year.

Between the colors of the Ukrainian flag like the blue that transmits peace, tranquility and control of the situation and the yellow that according to the psychology of colors has a close connection with optimism, joy and firmness, we got lost between the singularity and the charm of this Country, visiting during our journey the first Orthodox churches of the Slavic history, with their icons that point to the symbolism and reveal recurrent, fascinating features, such as the fact that the design of the face of the drawn subjects always looks deeply and enigmatic. They acquire an excessive power because of the very big, fixed and sometimes melancholic eyes.

According to the philosophy of Lacrima Baccus, traveling in a country for work means being curious and pretending to know the different traditions and divergent ways of thinking. The whole team agrees that it is essential to understand the most heterogeneous cultures and personalities, so that our relationship with clients can be as natural and genuine as possible. We are always full of desire to enrich ourselves from the cultural point of view.

There is no marketing and selling technique that prevails over the historical-social-cultural aspect. Therefore, it is important for our winery to have empathetic, dynamic and unpretentious professionals, ready to create at all times a link based on dialogue and predisposed to active listening.

Under the gaze of the imposing statue of the Motherland and surrounded by the endless river Dnieper, in a friendly environment, we were able to deepen and understand more fully the profile of the customers of our Lacrima Baccus’ cavas during the event.

We realized that the interest in wines in Ukraine is exponentially growing especially as regards young people between 18 and 35 years old. More and more young people are investing money, time and passion to undertake sommelier and gastronomy studies. During the tastings we were surprised by the technical knowledge that people have about the wine-growing cultures of different countries, denominations of origins and grape varieties. A pleasant surprise, especially because the visitors, with humility, discussed with us about different facets of the world of wine!

Needless to say, that the organization by GOODWINE is every year more impeccable.

The dinner on 7th of June gave us the opportunity, apart from regain strength and enjoy a nouvelle cuisine with chefs from different parts of the world with ****Michelin, also to interact with other representatives of wineries and workers of the GOODWINE team.

During the festival the influx was amazing, more than 4000 people ready to have fun learning.

Our products Heretat brut, Lacrima Baccus semi dry, Lacrima Baccus semi dry rosé and the prestigious Primerissimo were very successful due to the fineness and elegance of the delicate and vivid bubble and the fruit notes well balanced and carefully worked.

A special and heartfelt thanks to our distributor that makes us dream every year and leave us mouth -watering feeling just thinking about the next festival!

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Finally, the flowering begins!
23 de mayo de 2019

Finally, spring arrives after a hard winter. The inflorescences, which will soon give life to the clusters, seem to guarantee a positive fertility.

The first variety to flourish is Chardonnay.

At this time, even more than in others, the constant control of the vineyard is an absolute imperative; the winemaker constantly checks the state of health of the vine.

Fortunately, in our vineyards, the vine enjoys a good phytosanitary status.

We are in a decisive phase, closely linked to the future performance of the vineyard, in the shoots of the vine we can recognize the inflorescences of the panicle, similar to small green spheres, called inflorescences. In each one of them, there are many floral sketches, from which the individual flowers develop.

The flower, initially covered by a protective layer, detaches at the beginning of flowering and exposes the pistils and stamens. Right here fertilization takes place.

It is curious to know that the vine grown in Europe is hermaphroditic; it has male and female reproductive organs, self-pollinates and, therefore, does not require any intervention by insects. Fertilization occurs when the male seed fuses with the female ovarian cell in the ovary of the plant.

The development of the inflorescence depends largely on the climatic conditions: the higher temperatures can accelerate their development, but the rain or a sudden phase of heat can also cause the appearance of flowers and smaller berries, as in the case of rains of recent weeks, which has delayed this process.

We speak of a fascinating phenomenon for both experts and amateurs. The vineyards are currently characterized by a pleasant perfume, an intense and delicate smell, which makes us lose the notion of time, of space, and frees us from everyday stress. A perfume that we never want to forget, something so heavenly, impossible to explain with words and that you simply have to perceive it.

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The magic of life
28 de marzo de 2019

Have you ever seen those beautiful photos of naked vines with drops like tears at the end of some pruned branches? This phenomenon called "bleeding" is the characteristic sign of the awakening of the vine that unmistakably marks the arrival of spring. The phenomenon usually takes place between the end of February and March and marks the time when the bud break phase of the vine begins. Generally, during the winter the plant is in the "dormant" phase, it is subjected to pruning and the branches that will produce fruit are selected. Being in a lethargic phase, the plant has reduced its vital functions to a minimum. Between March and April, when temperatures begin to rise and the earth warms up, the vine slowly resumes its lymphatic activity.

The vine begins the phase of growth that will cause the plant to be covered with foliage and the buds, that will become the future branches, will appear. By May, however, flowering will begin. This is a very important moment because the pollination of the flowers will yield the precious fruits: the grapes that, in September, after the harvest, will become wine.

This year the bleeding of the vine started at the beginning of March and the bud break around the 15th of the same month. Do not forget that the period depends on different aspects related to the seasonal trend and the type of vine.

To speak of spring is to take courage and emanate a cry of liberation when our soul warms up under the still weak rays of the sun. Spring is regeneration of ourselves. We wake up like the vine from the torpor winter and we enjoy life with more euphoria and positivity.

Spring comes with the awakening of exuberant nature by the infinite palette of colors that intoxicate the view and give the soul a feeling of calm with oneself and with life. Like the vine, not everyone is ready at the same time for this sudden change. Some people are more prone and there are also those who take longer ... beauty means accepting the moments of each one.

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