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Rossorubino, a wine cellar in Turín

Rossorubino is a wine bar in the city of Turin, in northern Italy, with more than 1600 references and an important focus on which kind of wines and grape varieties the Piemonte region offers. Since 2003, this specialized wine shop is the meeting place for those, who in Turin make wine a pleasure and a passion.

Turin is a youthful and cosmopolitan city, full of charm and surprises, not only for tourists but also for residents. It offers multiple attractions among museums, gastronomy, historic venues, parks and amazing panoramas. Capital of art, culture and innovation and with the dynamism of an open-minded city, it provides unique architectural and monumental buildings.

Seriousness and professionalism is what you breathe as soon as you enter the store. The protagonists of this frequented wine bar are Andrea, artistic director, great connoisseur and winemaker, tireless lover of the noble Pinot noir of Burgundy and Barolo and Barbaresco de la Langa and Edoardo, the pragmatic one with his feet on the ground, who loves the bubbles. Secretly, he revealed to us that our Lacrima Baccus Cava has become since two years the star product of his house, the perfect companion of the most beautiful moments of reunion and celebration with his family. These words encouraged us very much!

The feeling they gave was very positive, they are real pioneer and they persevere in order to extend their enterprise and realize their ambitious projects. Andrea and Edoardo dreams to achieve them without hesitation in a very short period, for this reason we love their energy, their positivism, their search for the best quality and their ability to adapt our portfolio to the market.

This attitude is demonstrated by the fact that in May 2015, apart from a restyling that updated the Rossorubino in a version that today we would call 2.0, the team decided to implement a 30mq kitchen, where new sensations are experienced. The place of the vivacious colors and the perfume of wines is part of the project of creating a location, where a nice environment stimulates the emotions and sensations. Slates, plays of lights and transparencies and the vivid red color of the walls are integrated with the warmth of the wood, creating a sober and cozy atmosphere.

The structure of the shop is very well studied and raised with a subdivision by typology, starting with bubbles (champagne, spumanti, prosecco and, obviously CAVA!) and following with red wines from Piemonte and those from other regions like Valle d’Aosta until the deep Sicily. We do not forget to say that the center of the store is a space dedicated to spirits and sweet wines.

On 5th May, from 11.30 a.m to 22:00 p.m, the great team of Rossorubino organized a seminar entitled «We talk about cava, or better, we taste it» and presented our range of product.
The success was outstanding and Edoardo, who is not usually very open and communicative, did not stop sending us What’s app messages with pictures of empty bottles, making us feel an active part of this event, although 800 km far away.

Motivated and very satisfied with the deep bond that we have with them, we desire to see all the components of this magnificent and dynamic team soon; savoring our cava, trusting in their advice and making us take away from their suggestion and their cuisine.

Pictures: visititaly.com, rossorubino.net